Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I am... tehe

I am happy
I am sad
I am thirsty
I am craving pizza
I am Lost
I am computer
I am younger sister
I am older sister
I am german
I am seminary
I am LDS
I am shaking? (for some unknown reason)
I am confused
I am stressed
I am sick of the heat
I am sweating
I am bored
I am music
I am meh
I am wanting to wear my new pants
I am texting
I am lonely
I am single
I am really really really not wanting to
practice my freaking recital
pieces or any piano for that matter!
I am laughing at Mr. Craig
I am wishing
I am dazing
I am crooked teeth
I am boogers :)
I am senior x-cel
I am dancing
I am jumpy
I am nervous
I am smokey
I am among emo's
I am excited for friday
I am friends
I am Summer Osborn
I am ME!
has everyone been tagged?


Hey! So... we started school yesterday...

seminary was really fun! im so excited to take that class! (plus it has air conditioning)

german was fun too there is only 15 people in our class so thats cool... i wish we could change our names tho i HATE olga barf!

geography was okay... i have good people but i sit by none of them! and a fan blows my papers all over the place i need to bring a rock so that i can hold them down

gym is fun! we have a small class too... and this year we dont have to wear straps for like the first 4 weeks! and we get to have a ddr competition play ping pong and badmitten and all the other normal things... i dont really have my close friends in that but hopefully i'll make more friends!

then i go to lunch WITH EVERYONE! WOOT!

then i go to english with sarah and all the emos hahahaha its so boring and easy and now we dont even sit by each other!

then i go to math... oh jeez... its so funny!! me and liz bond laugh so hard at mr. craig and brooke just sits there! she finds none of it funny!!! she just gives him strange looks... (i think you know what i am talking about brooke...) hahahahaha

then i go home and sleep haha ya i wish...

well there is my daily schedule from now until next june! (excluding weekends and holidays)


Thursday, August 14, 2008


wow so that last post sounded really really depressed im honestly not that emo! haha p.s. aly you have to transfer what are you going to do when me and liz transfer out of seminary...? and me out of german...? anyways ya!


sorry guys........
well i have nothing to say except i hate my schedule. bye

Friday, August 1, 2008


So this morning my mom and i went on a bike ride... we went down pioneer road to get to this trail (aly the one we walked down to get to draper days) and then we just kept following it way far! we went at like 730 so it wasnt too hot yet. i think it was like 3 miles anyways... p.s. i was wearing like basket ball shorts k? so on the way back i feel somethin poke me in my shorts like on my upper thigh... so i think its just like a weed somehow... but then i feel it like moving around in there! and it was a freaking wasp!!!! in my shorts!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh so i like freak out! and hurry and throw down my bike and get off and open my shorts to see it and then i freak out again and trap it in there on accident again... AND IT KEEPS FREAKING STINGING ME! so my moms like summer take off your pants! hahahaha im like no! we are in the middle of a trail! there werent any people close by but still... so i run behind this thing... keep in mind its still stinging me cuz they dont die once they sting... so i run behind this thing and pull down my pants (not all the way but still..) k so it flies out but my leg is like throbbing cuz it hurts so bad! so my mom rushes over and tries to find mud to put on it cuz that always helps... so there is no mud just crappy dirt.. so we put that on it and now it looks like i pooed my freaking pants... haha and i swear it made it hurt worse... but i had to suck it up and still ride home... so i did but my muscle hurt so bad! once we get home i take off my shorts and clean off the mud... it stung me three times! and one is huge i swear its two.. in one... haha but they hurt so bad i have just been walking around in my underwear cuz it hurts to put on pants... haha well there is my story... =)